What is the Internship of International Ministry?

Purpose: The internship exists to equip you to be transformed both internally and externally through knowing and loving God more and understanding yourself in a more profound way, resulting in the sharing of the Word of God effectively in your host culture.

Plan: We seek to accomplish this by directed reading, clear writing, intentional engagement with us, and active participation in the church plant.

Goal: At the end of the internship we want to see you move back into your community with a purpose to engage, evangelize, edify, and equip.

How would this internship help me know God more?

Theological Education:

Each week you will be reading, writing, and discussing different aspects of Biblical Theology, Systematic Theology, and Practical Theology.

Your everyday involvement in the lives of other believers in the church plant will enable you to participate in discipleship relationships.

Ministry training

Each week you will be involved in:

  • regular meetings covering questions, book reviews, written ministry observations, specific themed discussions, and prayer
  • eating regularly in the homes of the missionary team and with others within our community
  • Bible studies (in Spanish and English)
  • community involvement (Language exchanges, Camino, volunteering, etc)
  • and personal development.

How will living in Spain help me to know myself more?

Spanish Learning

Regardless of your background in Spanish, you will be able to move to the next level through individual Spanish tutoring with native speakers, language exchanges with others in the community, daily interaction with your host family (where applicable), and regular involvement in the church plant.

Cultural Learning

Through intentional study of, and participation in the Spanish culture you will be able to see your own culture in a new light. Whether walking through the old stone cities, tasting the food from mountain villages, or navigating the bustling port cities, you will experience a different world. The friction between the comfortable and the new will enable you to better evaluate and appreciate both your passport culture and the Spanish culture.

What should I do if I am interested?

Connect with us

Send us an email and we will be happy to answer your questions and point you in the right direction.

Talk with your church

We want to partner with your local church as they seek to edify and equip you, so please talk with your church and get their counsel of whether this is the right time, and right fit, for you.


How long is it? Typically one year.

Do I need a visa? Depending on your nationality, yes you do. We work with you in order to get a one year visa.

How much does it cost? The cost depends on each individual’s needs, but if you reach out to us we can help you determine what it would cost for your year.

Will I visit other parts of Spain? Yes. We seek to enable you to visit not only other major cities and regions of Spain, but also other missionaries throughout Europe.

Is there an age requirement? Because of the nature of the internship we look for those who have experience living on their own, or who have finished a college degree, before they come to Spain.